UANA Team Set to Compete

UANA Team Set to Compete

The Barbados Team taking part in the upcoming inaugural UANA Swimming Cup in Coral Springs, Florida are making final preparations for what should prove to be an exciting start to the 2018 season of competition. The UANA Cup features a dual meet between the twelve National Federation members of CONSANAT and the twenty-eight National Federation members of CCCAN, with athletes scoring points for their regional associations. The rivalries created by this concept will undoubtedly bring spirit and enthusiasm, as well as outstanding performances in the pool.

Representing Team Barbados are:

11-12 Age Group: Adia Deane & Omari Sealy

13-14 Age Group: Aza Dunwoody, Keilani Talma, Danielle Treasure, Zahra Gaskin, Roan Baker, McCallum Clarke, Tristan Prangell, Kai Trotman & Neil Skinner

15-17 Age Group: Danielle Titus, McKayla Treasure, Nkosi Dunwoody, Jack Kirby, Luis-Sebastian Weekes & Damon St. Prix.

Head Coach: Aisha Norville; Assistant Coach: Ancille Inniss, Team Manager: Andrea Titus; Chaperone: Deborah Talma

This week the Barbados team accepted a generous donation of fleece jackets and pants from our corporate friends at Paints Plus, and we extend a special “thank you” to Mr. Kyle Smith and the management of the company for their support.


The team will leave Barbados on Wednesday morning and the meet takes place from January 19th – 21st. We wish them all the best of luck!!